After completing their education at Bard Early College, alumni/ae from across the network go on to a wide range of colleges and enter a range of professions.
Bard Early College alumni/ae go on to major in a wide variety of disciplines, from the arts and humanitíes to engineering and nursing. More than one-third ofalumni/ae pursue a degree in STEM fields. For more data on Bard Early College alumni/ae outcomes, see Our Impact.
Henry Kessler, BHSEC M1 8 is a star player for the MLS New England Revolutions. https://www.thebentmusket.oom/2020/9/12/21429336/henry—kessler—the—story—behind—the—revolutions-budding-star
Concepcién de Leén, M’OG is a staff writer covering news and culture for the Books section of the New York Times. She wrote a recent article about “Little Women” and the ways in which the 19th- century novel, and new movie, has influenced women writers across generations. https://…/|ittIe—women—book—writers.html
Daphany Rose Sanchez (Q’10) was named one of the 30 NYC Climate Heros.